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Russ Branzell on Cybersecurity and Protecting Patient Data

Published on 2/21/2017

Thousands of cyberattacks are carried out every day and the health care industry isn't immune to this growing trend. In fact, it's a prime target for hackers.

Russ Branzell, the president and CEO of the College of Healthcare Information Executives, is the featured contributor for episode 6 of The Cerner Podcast. CHIME has a Cybersecurity Center and Program Office, which helps health care organizations deal with cyber threats and better protect patient data and information systems.

Russ answers these five questions in this episode:

  • Cybersecurity is a 'hot topic' both inside and outside of the health care industry. How is CHIME mitigating these threats? What are you hearing from your members regarding cyber threats?
  • What are some examples of 'threats' you've either experienced or learned of through members? What do you think is the biggest cyber threat to healthcare currently (e.g. domestic, foreign)?
  • What barriers and challenges do you see to protecting patient information and/or general safety concerns against cyberattacks?
  • There is a lot to be learned from other industries (e.g., financial/banking) regarding mitigating cybersecurity threats. What do you think are the biggest lessons we can learn and how should they be implemented organizationally to decrease chances of a breach?
  • What should be done to better address the challenges now and over the next decade? How does the continued development of new technology play into this?

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