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Ep. 219 – Stories from nurses on the frontlines against COVID-19 in the UK | Listen time: 30:12

by Matthew Pickett | Colin Fincham, M.D. | Dan Catt | Patience Chinwadzimba | Tim James

Published on 5/12/2021

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In this episode, five Cerner leaders, Matthew Pickett, senior director, marketing and corporate affairs, Colin Fincham, M.D., senior director and chief medical officer, Dan Catt, director and nursing executive, and healthcare executives Patience Chinwadzimba and Tim James, have a conversation about returning to the frontlines as a nurse in the UK during COVID-19. This podcast was recorded on March 2, 2021, at a time when hospital pressures were particularly acute.

Notable quote

“The amount of data [clinicians] transcribe, and how much time it takes that could be given to patient care, has given me a laser focus on getting technology into the workspace.” – Dan Catt

“As a nurse, you wear an armour and try to separate your emotions from the patient in front of you. It can be really hard, but I do what I do as a nurse because someone else is out there doing the same thing for my friends and family.” – Patience Chinwadzimba

“Working on the front lines gives us an empathy and understanding for what nurses, doctors and allied health professionals are doing and the challenges they’re facing. It’s motivational to bring that back to our work at Cerner and make that link between theory and practice.” – Tim James

Listen to Dan, Patience and Tim answer these questions:

  • Why did you decide to return to nursing amid COVID-19? (2:15)
  • What’s it like to be a clinician on the frontlines during a COVID-19 surge? (3:20)
  • How does caring for patients during the pandemic impact the work you do for Cerner around healthcare technology and data? (20:40)
  • What lessons from the pandemic will you take with you moving forward? (27:06)

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