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Ep. 133: How Shriners Hospitals for Children used the essential clinical dataset to improve pediatric health care │ listen time: 21:54

Published on 7/16/2019

“Nurses create and use a lot of data to provide care for our patients. We wanted to streamline their workflows and processes. Our goal (in implementing the ECD) is to allow nurses to spend the majority of their time at the beside with patients and families instead of hunting and pecking in the EHR.” — Ellen Murphy, Shriners Hospitals for Children

Cerner brought together a group of clients in 2016 to define the essential clinical dataset (ECD) for adult hospital admissions. In a nutshell, the ECD decreases the number of patient registration questions to only what’s most necessary.

In 2018, Jenny Horn, Cerner senior director and nurse executive, led the expansion of the ECD into children’s health care. In this episode, Jenny talks to Marjorie McEttrick-Maloney, chief nursing officer at Shriners Hospitals for Children, and Ellen Murphy, informatics nurse specialist at Shriners. Marjorie and Ellen answer these questions:

  • What is Shriners’ mission, and what kinds of care does the organization provide for children and families?
  • What prompted Shriners to improve its nursing documentation and implement the pediatric ECD?
  • What did the hospital learn from Cerner’s analysis of how long Shriners' nurses were spending on admission documentation?
  • How did Shriners create and maintain a successful communication and governance plan during its nursing modernization and ECD projects?
  • What changes has the hospital seen in care team satisfaction and patient outcomes since implementing the ECD?
  • How would an industry-wide adoption of the ECD impact the future of health care overall?

Listen to the full podcast below, and click here for previous episodes of "Perspectives on Health and Tech."

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