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Perspectives on Value in Health Care

Published on 11/5/2018

As consumers, we check ratings and reviews before we purchase almost anything. Whether we order a ride through an app, purchase a new TV or choose a restaurant for dinnerwe want to know that we’ll receive the best product or service that matches our needs, and is worthy of our time and money. 

I recently visited a specialist for a procedure and it wasn’t until the anesthesiologist arrived that I realized I didn’t know anything about the doctor or facility. It’s more difficult to get information about our health care than it is to learn about the status of our pizza delivery. 

This experience made me wonder, how do we create a system where we can be more informed about, and have more confidence in, the care we receive? As we seek to create higher quality care for consumers, reduce costs and increase efficiency, we need to focus on how health care can better meet the needs of the individual. 

Increasing value in health care

At the root of this concept is value—a topic that’s top-of-mind in the health care industry today. I believe that value in health care should be measured by both outcomes and costs, but most of all by the experience of the consumer. 

The large-scale reform from fee-for-service to value-based care means a focus on higher quality care instead of higher quantity, or volume, of care. This represents a shift in the way health care organizations think about care and, hopefully, the experience that consumers can expect. It’s an exciting time to be part of the health care industry as we have an opportunity to contribute to these fundamental improvements across the system. Elevating the health care experience—whether through increased interoperability, improved workflow design, upgraded infrastructure, etc.—is what drives value. 

In our newest set of Perspectives articles, leaders across the health care industry share their insights on value. Bill Wing, president of Adventist Health, and Rob Frieden, vice president and chief information officer of Genesis Health System, provide a look at how each of their health systems are using a matrixed approach to create value within their organizations. Bob Dent, senior vice president, chief operating officer and chief nursing officer at Midland Memorial Hospital delves into predictive analytics and the critical role it plays for health care organizations in managing nursing workforces and providing better care. At the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Dr. Damian Jankowicz, the leader of CAMH’s Information Management Group, reveals how Canada’s largest mental health teaching hospital is leveraging clinical research to improve consumer outcomes. 

My goal at Cerner is to showcase how our clients are providing the best health and care innovations to their consumers, members and communities. Everyone has a health care story that includes both highs and lows, and everyone has a desire for attentive, quality care. A value-based approach—that embraces some of the conveniences and transparencies of the consumer market —is one step in the direction of making the experience of receiving and delivering care as personalized, convenient and effective as possible. 

We're proud to announce the launch of a new online home for Perspectives—a digital destination for content that examines health care’s most relevant and important topics. The latest set of articles focusing on value in health care, as well as past content, is now available at