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Ep. 158: How are you addressing rising prescription costs for your workforce? | listen time: 12:13

Published on 12/3/2019

In this episode, we talk to Erin Smith, manager and senior pharmacist for Cerner’s four on-site pharmacies. She shares her expertise on the impact of rising pharmacy costs on employers and union organizations and offers practical solutions. Erin answers these questions: 

  • What are the current market trends around health care costs, and how are they impacting employers, union organizations and workers?
  • What are some things organizations can do to address the rising cost of prescriptions?
  • How do things like on-site pharmacies and partnerships with specialty distributors affect costs for employers, unions and the health and well-being of employees and union members?
  • Where will the industry be on this issue in five years?

Listen to the full podcast below, and click here for previous episodes of "Perspectives on Health and Tech."

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