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Ep. 127: Brian Eastwood on Using Technology to Empower Patients and Providers

Published on 5/28/2019

As consumer technologies continue to advance care delivery, providers are increasingly effective in improving patient engagement. Hospitals and health systems are seeing greater incentives in empowering consumers to make health decisions, which is changing the patient-provider relationship for the better.

On this episode of Perspectives on Health and Tech, we are joined by Brian Eastwood, a content strategist at ReviveHealth, a full-service agency focused on the intersection of health care delivery, finance and innovation.

Brian answers the following questions about how technology can improve engagement for providers and patients alike:

  • Can you describe how advancements in health IT have led you to where you are today?


  • How does evidence-based research on technology and adoption trends in health IT help shape broader strategies and improve the quality and efficiency of care?


  • What is the definition of patient advocacy and the importance of engaging patients through provider, payer and personal technologies?


  • How can the health care industry engage with outside stakeholders to better understand how we can advance care delivery?


  • What are the emerging trends or technologies that might advance consumer-driven health in the next decade?

Listen to the full podcast below, and click here for previous episodes of Perspectives on Health and Tech.

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